Title Išeivijos identiteto diskursai /
Translation of Title Discourses of identity in exile.
Authors Čepkauskaitė, Laura
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Pages 57
Abstract [eng] In the paper ethnic identity, concepts of ethnic identity and strategies of those concepts in Lithuanian Exile are analysed. Usually in Lithuanian Exile surveys ethnic and national identities are handled as systematized and relatively stable forms of nationalism. In this paper ethnic identity is analysed on the basis of internal contradictions within diaspora and power relations (on the basis of gender, racial, ethnic groups’ relations). In the paper we predicate that forms and practices of national collectivity are and can not only be transferred to emigrant community but are constantly transformed while changing boundaries and carrying other shifts in relation to other ethnic communities, and is a part of political formation of identity. In ethnic identity surveys collective identity and ethnic culture were handled as coherent unity, whereas ethnic identity is a part of constantly constructed and shifting processes. Hence in the topic not acculturation theory is chosen either but broader analytical model – through discursive practices, taking into account newspapers’ analysis and organizational network in diaspora. Empirical material in the survey chosen is diaspora press and institutions in diaspora. Analytical model – newspapers’ content analysis, analysis of strategies, making presumption that linguistic meanings and structural realization are bound together, analysis of practises of implementation – through diaspora institutions and family model. Tasks in the paper – to identify existing perceptions of Lithuanian identity, narratives and discourses of “lithuanianess”, to analyse dominant strategies and forms (practices of exclusion and admission of group members, internal group contradictions). Particular attention is committed to youth organizations and role of women in Lithuanian diaspora in implementing political identity formation strategies. The paper conclusion is that Lithuanian intelligentsia had an access in constructing ethnic identity, on the basis of conservative discourse constructed by intellectuals complete social network of diaspora was established which functioned for implementing ethnic identity and ethnic culture. To sustain collective ethnic identity mechanisms of excluding group members were employed, as a result – ethnic continuity was not preserved.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014