Title Tarptautinių socialinių apsaugos standartų įtaka Lietuvos socialinės apsaugos sistemai /
Translation of Title International social security standarts and their implementation in lithuania social security system.
Authors Gošovskaitė, Irena
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Pages 70
Abstract [eng] SUMMARY The aim of this work is to exam international social security standards and their implementation in Lithuania social security system. The work is divided into two parts. The first part “International social security standards” is defined. The place of international treaties in Lithuanian legal system is analyzed as international social security standards are basically established in these documents. Further based on the geographical criterion social right and social security standards established in the universal, European and European Union levels are analyzed. The chapter “Social rights and social standards established in the universal human rights documents” the provisions of Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights are examined together with the conventions of the International Labour Organization. In the chapter “Social rights and social protection standards established in the European human rights documents” there are examined the provisions of European Social Charter (revised) and the European Social Code. Taking into consideration the impact of European Union law on the Lithuanian legal system in the chapter “Social rights and social standards established in the European Union law” the provisions of European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights and Charter of Fundamental Social Rights of the Workers are analyzed. In the following part of the work social security standards established for the protection of such social risks as maternity, family circumstances and aging are consistently examined based on the analysis of the provisions on the Lithuanian social security is defined. In the chapter of the work analyzes the entitlement of elderly people to pension, social services and other social support also their right to housing and medical care. In the chapter based on the provisions of above mentioned international conventions and Convention of the Rights of the Child the system of support for the household incomes and non-cash benefits for children is analyzed. In the last part the issues of pregnancy, childbirth leave and parental guarantees are defined.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014