Title Lietuvos Aukščiausiojo teismo praktika sprendžiant bylas dėl materialinės atsakomybės už žalą, padarytą darbuotojo suluošinimu ar kitokiu pakenkimu sveikatai arba dėl nukentėjusiojo mirties /
Translation of Title The practice of the supreme court of the republic of lithuania when dealing with cases of pecuniary liability for the damage caused through an employee’s injury or another health impairment or in the event of the victim’s death.
Authors Siutilas, Rimvydas
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Pages 68
Abstract [eng] SUMMARY Material liability under labour law, representing a separate type of legal responsibility, includes common and special features of legal responsibility. The paper discusses theoretical conditions for material liability and methods to implement the same. After Lithuania regained independence, new Labour Code and a number of other laws, governing labour relations and material liability, was enacted. The new code provides for conditions for material liability, key principles on application of material liability, introduces a completely new remedy, i.e. indemnification of moral damage based on labour legal relations, as well as compensation of lost income. In analysis of case law of the Supreme Court of Lithuania, when examining cases on material liability for damage through maiming or other injury, or death of the injured party, the paper mainly deals with cases examined in 2005 – 2010. The paper further includes structured information on the rulings delivered by the Supreme Court of Lithuania in determining the limits of material liability on the part of employer, the duties of employer to indemnify the damage to the health of employee by third parties, liability of possessor of a potentially hazardous object for injury, compatibility of legislation in the field of indemnification of damage, and issues on indemnification of moral damage. The analysis of the case law of the Supreme Court of Lithuania in the case categories above is complemented by summary trends and conclusions.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014