Title Tėvų skyrybas patyrusių jaunų suaugusiųjų įsipareigojimų patyrimo poros santykiuose fenomenologinė analizė /
Translation of Title Commitments in couple relations of adult children of divorce: phenomenological analysis.
Authors Narbutaitė, Laima
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Pages 64
Abstract [eng] The phenomenon of commitments is complex, variously perceived and experienced. In this study it is trying to explain how Adult Children of Divorce (ACOD) perceive and experience commitments in Couple Relations. Other countries researches show that ACOD have learned in the family the behaviour‘s models which do not support the development of reciprocal, close and intimate couple relations. According to some authors, ACOD reach their early adolescence with anxiety about love, commitments and marriage, because they are afraid of the failure and wounds. Most of them can not begin the relationships because the fear of alienation is so strong that they might avoid close relations for a long time. Whereas another authors say that ACOD take in marriages earlier than adult children from intact families. The goal of the present research is to reveal in what way the phenomenon is experienced by particular individuals and what is the unique experience of commitments in couple relations ACOD in each concrete case. Eight Adult Children of Divorce (4 women, 4men) who have the partners participated in the study. The method of phenomenological analysis of A.Giorgi was applied in the study. Eight specific situational definitions of the phenomenon were defined. The total final definition of the experience of commitment in Couples relationships of Adult Children of Divorce was formulated with the reference to these specific definitions. The experience of commitments in Couple’s Relations is defined as a psychological state when the decisions are received and realized while the feelings are changing, to seek for the future relations perspectives. The state of commitment can be experienced in the affective, cognitive, action and conative levels. To experience the commitments can disturb: a) fears (of alienation, of being hurt, of taking the responsibility) and compunction; b) niggles about one’s and the partner’s actions and the incomprehension of the partner’s attitude and actions; c) indecision; d) availability of other partners. The specificity of the experience of commitments in Couple Relations of ACOD can be best revealed through the analysis of the interference for the experience of commitments. However the results of this research reveal just for the particular individuals who participated in the study.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014