Abstract [eng] |
In this work, in accordance with international and European legal standards, the regulatory development and issues of institute of forms of work organisation in Lithuania are analysed. The basic form of work organisation is a non-term employment contract. From other forms of employment it is distinguished by the following characteristics: the relations between parties are bilateral (employee and employer), constant, based on remuneration, subordination and are performed in the premises of employer. These abovementioned relations can be called as typical and conventional. It should be noted that they reflect the best interests of both parties. However, due to the changes of labor market in the 21st century, standard rules, created in the first half of the 20th century, are dysfunctional and must be adapted to the modern labor relations. The development of flexible employment policy of the European Union, the economic globalization and related changes of employment, the need to promote employment, to integrate women, young and elderly people into the labor market and various other socio-economic factors inspire the emergence and implementation of flexible forms of organisation of work in the Lithuanian labor law. Next to a common employment contract more flexible forms of employment are distinguished in Labour Code of Republic of Lithuania. These forms are analysed in this work as well: a part-time work, fixed-term contracts, teleworking, etc. Legal regulation of the employment through temporary employment agencies and such work relations is also the intention. Due to the practical need for more flexible forms of employment, the aim of this thesis is to find our whether international standards and European Union regulations, governing major non-standard forms of work organisation, are properly implemented. The work is comprised of three parts that consistently owerview the main aspects of forms of employment: the concept of forms of work organization, the main legal form of employment is identified, the evolution of forms of legal regulation is summarized and factors that influence the emergence of new forms of forms of employment. The paper mostly focuses on the analysis of legal framework of flexible forms of organisation of work, the peculiarity and the problems. The need of obvious and accurate regulation of forms of employement organisation is presented. The analysis and conclusions submitted should be useful for further examination of theoretical and practical issues of forms of work organization, the regulatory challenges in pursuit for the harmonization of national legislation with the international and European law, as well as for the development and improvement of national legislation. |