Title Matematika muzikoje /
Translation of Title Mathematics in music.
Authors Rėčkutė, Eglė
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Pages 38
Abstract [eng] It may look odd that mathematics and music, which seem to be completely different areas, are closely related to each other. Mathematical aspects can be found in music and vice versa, mathematics contains many examples of creative work, however, the latter is not the object of interest in this theses. In ancient Greece music was considered strictly as a mathematical subject. Pythagoreans' teaching plan “quadrivium” involved four subjects: arithmetics, music, geometry and astronomy. It is also noticed that children who study music have better skills in solving puzzles, drawing mathematical conclusions. This is also closely related to so called „Mozart effect“: it is believed that listening to W. A. Mozart improves one's mathematical skills. In this theses mathematical aspects obtained in music are analyzed with reference to various sources. Theses includes such topics as sound waves, dissonance and consonance, scales and temperaments, symmetry in music, golden mean in musical compositions. Last chapter provides an interpretation of “Ground-hog” by L. van Beethoven with MadTracker software. The thesis could be useful in studying mathematics and applying it in music. Such application might as well increase interest in mathematics itself.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014