Title Užsienio lietuvių švietimo politikos analizė: politikos formavimo įtaka įgyvendinimo procesui /
Translation of Title The analysis of national education policy of the lithuanians living abroad: influence of the policy formation to the implementation process.
Authors Remeikienė, Sigita
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Pages 64
Abstract [eng] The topicality of the present paper emerged from the results which the current wave of emigration from Lithuania brings. It is unofficially stated that quarter of the Lithuanian nation lives abroad. The core issue of the diaspora of Lithuanians results in a distinguished generation growing in different than native cultural environments. To preserve those with the Lithuanian roots it is highly important to devote a pile of consistent measures, one of which is the national education abroad. The main problematic issue discussed under present thesis is the conflict between the approach of policy implementation and present demand of the Lithuanians in emigration: although the extent as well as approach of the emigration from Lithuania is exclusively westwards, the current national educational policy for the Lithuanians living abroad is continually concentrating on neighbouring or post-soviet countries. The main objective of the thesis was to identify the main problems of policy implementation and then, with the rational theoretical background of policy formation analysis, to check whether the main problems of policy implementation are formed or “programmed” while forming the policy. The analysis has proved the hypothesis of the thesis. To summarise the main aspects of the carried out analysis, the following conclusions can be drawn: firstly, although the key priorities are not determined in the policy analysed, the empirical analysis shows that there are clear priorities of support to the neighbouring Lithuanian communities abroad, and they are dominating in the policy of national education for Lithuanians living abroad. Secondly, the currently existing practise of financial support for the Lithuanian communities does not encourage the institution responsible for policy formation to consider the recent trends of emigration and the demand for national education of the newly established communities of Lithuanians abroad. The policy analysed does correspond to the factors determined in the theoretical background of agenda setting by Cobb and Elder; however, some of the factors being weakly pushed by the target groups do not influence the policy agenda. It results from the fixedly established procedures of decision making within the policy formation process, therefore only the old problems break through gatekeepers of formation. The analysis of decision taking shows that the policy formation body does not or does restrictedly follow the sequence “setting of goals-comparison of alternatives-choice” to be able to correspond to the needs and demand of the policy target group. To conclude, the aspects to be followed to improve the currently existing policy formation and implementation relation and to improve both of them, certain aspects need to be taken into consideration. Firstly, to reach the targets and to claim the demand of the target group, it is necessary to ensure their active participation into the policy formation process. Secondly, to reach the maximum results within the policy implementation process, the differentiation of the functions of implementing institutions including the consular apparatus is required. Finally, to ensure consistent funds to the educational initiatives to the Lithuanians abroad, new decisions have to be taken; as a springboard (especially within the case of emigration) it is recommended to consider the possibility of transfer of the school maintenance reform (called “learner funds”) into the external educational institutions for Lithuanians.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014