Abstract [eng] |
Lithuanian development policy of sport centres: the cases of basketball and football The object of the thesis – the development of multifunctional sports' arenas and stadiums in Lithuania The main problem of the research. Lithuania obviously lacks modern arenas and stadiums which are built according to international standards. Lithuania made a commitment to host European Basketball Championship in 2011 but there is only “Siemens” arena that now fullfills all the international standards. Arenas in Šiauliai and Panevėžys are currently being built and arenas in Klaipėda and Kaunas aren't even started to be built. That is why the development of sports' arenas becomes not only a matter of sports' policy but a priority of the policy of the state. Lithuania is also the only EU country which does not have a National stadium that fullfills all the international standards. The goal of the thesis – to name and analyze the main factors that prevent the development of multifunctional arenas and stadiums in Lithuania. The following steps to reach the goal: 1. To examine the characteristics of sports' bases in Lithuania. 2. To discuss an overall situation in football's infrastructure. 3. To analyze the reasons why Lithuania still does not have a National stadium and discuss the prospects of this project. 4. To name and analyze the factors which influence slow development of multifunctional sports' arenas, highlighting the cases of arenas in Kaunas and Klaipėda. 5. To analyze the project of “Siemens” arena in Vilnius, making an assumption that it is a successful example of a analyzed policy implementation. The main question of the research: what are the main factors that prevent the development of multifunctional sports' arenas? The hypothesis of the work: 1. In the case of football slow development of sports' bases are influenced by the fact that the question of football's bases was not in the agendas of state institutions for a long time. The reasons for that are the complexity of the question itself, financial problems and the problem of responsibility, unclear role of interest groups, business interests, delayed discussions on technical questions and a lack of political will. 2. In the case of basketball slow development of multifunctional arenas are influenced by lack of action of local governments, lack of partnership between public and private sectors, lack of experience to implement this model in practise, different influence of interest groups, getting back to the process of decision making and a question of transparency. The main conclusions. Legal reglamentation of sports' bases confront the current realities. The financing of the development of sports' bases is not sufficient. It is difficult to attract investment from private sector, there is no stimulus to develop public private partnership. The hypothesis of analyzed football and basketball's cases prooved to be true. To known data, overall sport's policy or exceptionally the development of sports bases' policy was not analyzed according to the models of analysis of public policy. That is why this thesis would be one of the first attempts to analyze exceptionally the development of sports bases' policy in Lithuania. |