Title Didmeninių prekybos įmonių konkurencingumas tarptautinėje rinkoje /
Translation of Title The competitive abilities of wholesales companies in international market.
Authors Navickaitė, Eglė
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Pages 87
Abstract [eng] Competition analysis is vital both in local market, and international market. To know everything about he rivals is one of the most important thing choosing the proper strategy for company‘s activity in the market. However the competition analysis in the international market is much longer and more complicated process than the competition in the local market. And the main reason fort his is because of the huge number of rivals in international market and the possibility to get information about them. Without the competition analysis the activity becomes more complicated, because there is an information gap in deciding where to go and what strategies to take. This master project is prepared by choosing and analysis two wholesale companies acting in a global market, but established in two different countries. The point of this project lies on different models and behaviors of competition and the concept of the theoretical aspects are adapted in forming the competitiveness advantage of one of the companies using the asymmetric information. The problem of the project lies on the fact the company is the new in the market and in order to choose the proper strategy, it needs the analysis which uses the asymmetric information against one of competitors, which has been acting in the market for 5-6 years and has chosen the proper strategies already. The object of the project is the competitiveness of Company X against Company Y in the international market. The goal of the project is to present the possibilities in forming the competitiveness advantage of company X against the company Y in the global market. The project consists of three main parts. The first one is for theoretical analysis of competition concepts, behaviors and models, the peculiarities of forming competitive advantage. The second part of the project is for forming the Company’s X competitive advantages in the global market against company Y. and the third part of the project – is presenting the project of forming Company’s X competitive advantages. The project consists of 93 pages. 15 tables and 27 pictures are presented in the project. Preparing this project, I have used 59 literature resources. The work has 3 appendixes.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014