Title Darbo ir poilsio ypatumai ekonominės veiklos srityse - reglamentavimo prielaidos ir ribos /
Translation of Title Peculiarities of work and rest in fields of economic activity - limits and assumptions of regulation.
Authors Zabitė, Simona
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Pages 67
Abstract [eng] This Master’s degree thesis reviews specificities of work and leisure time in spheres of economic activity – preconditions and limits of regulation. Since the concept of work and leisure time is a separate and one of the main institutes of work law, which is comprised of two sub-institutes – work time and leisure time. In case one of those sub-institutes is absent it would be impossible to discuss and understand the other. Also, those concepts are an integral part of my Master’s degree thesis, therefore, in the first sections of this thesis I attempted to describe separately how normative deeds regulate work and leisure time and what official explanations are available. Besides that, this was performed with purpose in order to transfer to specificities of work and leisure time in spheres of economic activity. Considering variety of economic and social relation, norms of Labor Code cannot universally regulate some spheres of activity. Therefore, specific spheres of activity get accentuated. This Master’s degree thesis discusses specific work conditions of spheres of economic activity. Namely, decision No. 587 dated May 14, 2003 of the Government “Concerning confirmation of list of jobs, where duration of working hours up to twenty-four hours per day can be applied, specificities of work and leisure time in spheres of economic activity, conditions of works, which (in case they are present) sum working hours accounting can be introduced, description of order of introduction of sum working hours accounting in institutions, enterprise and organizations.” This decision confirmed specificities of work and leisure time in transport (road, railway, civil aviation, marine transport and internal waters transport), telecommunication, postal, agricultural companies, companies processing agricultural products, energetic companies, treatment and custody (foster) institutions, fishing ships and other sphere of economic activity. I analyzed jobs, where duration of working hours up to twenty-four hours per day can be applied, in more detail. The goal was achieved by analyzing international and national normative legal deeds and scientific literature. Having analyzed specificities of work and leisure time in spheres of economic activity - preconditions and limits of regulation, specificities of comparatively still new sphere, its regulation as well as legal and social problems in brief were revealed.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014