Title Migracijos problemos Baltijos šalyse ir galimi jų sprendimo būdai, remiantis kitų šalių patirtimi /
Translation of Title Migration problems in the baltic states and their solutions according to the other countries experience.
Authors Lukaševičiūtė-Arnesen, Simiona
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Pages 103
Abstract [eng] Migration is considered one of the most discussed issues today. Migration has an essential effect to country by several sectors: economic, demographic, political, cultural, religion, social, cultural, moral, ecologic. When the Baltic States joined the European Union, movement among countries get free. Because of this, the Baltic States have lost a lot of people. Migration has positive and negative effect to every part that takes place in migration process. Object of the paper- migration in the Baltic States. Purpose of the paper- to evaluate consequenses made by migration in the Baltic States and suggest how solve them according to the countries experience. There are formed these hypotheses: Too small salary is the main “push” factor in the Baltic States. No economics factors became more important. If economic situation grows up in the Baltic States, migration will decline, but imigration increase. Structure of the paper: The first part of the paper presents theorical material about history and theories of migration. Migration factors are presented by Abraham H. Maslow pyramid. There are express by formula advantages and disadvantages of migration. This part is based by theorical material which will be used in the analitical part. The second part. There are analysed economics and migration statistical information by Baltic States, Norway and Ireland. This part of paper can be useful to find the ways how we can reduse negative effect made by migration. The third part. There is made the empyrical research in Norway. Information from research is analised by using Microsoft Excel, Statictica 6.0 and Visual Basic programs. In adition the model was created which can help to reduse emigration from the Baltic States. Conclusions and suggestions generalize answers to the tasks set in the beginning of the work and provides with suggestions, which can help to increase economic level in the Baltic States. Explanation of paper structure: The paper consists of five main parts: introduction,.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014