Title Pietų Kaukazo separatistinių konfliktų veiksnys Rusijos Federacijos užsienio politikoje /
Translation of Title The factor of the southern caucasus separatist conflicts in the foreign policy of russian federation.
Authors Rutkūnas, Tauras
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Pages 84
Abstract [eng] The main purpose of master’s final thesis is to analyze the Transcaucasian separatist conflicts in Nagorno Karabach, Abkhazia and South Ossetia, searching effective ways of their resolution and forecasting the possible future development of these conflicts. The object of this analysis is the factor of Russian influence to these separatist conflicts since their origin till current situation and possible scenario of their resolution. It is making an attempt to settle the direct connection between Transcaucasian separatist conflicts and Russian foreign policy actions in the analysis. It is analyzing military and peaceful ways of separatist conflicts perspective resolution, analyzing separatist conflicts of very close character, such as Kosovo and Ajara, detecting those similarities, which may be successfully adopted to the Transcaucasian separatist conflicts. The clear Russian influence on the creation and development of the separatist conflicts helped to formulate the main hypotheses of this analysis, asserting that post-soviet Transcaucasian separatist conflicts were directly inspired by the Russian policy and their effective resolution is not possible without direct Russian participation. After analysis it could be affirmed that national interests of Russian Federation is not conformed to the creation of the zone of stability in the Transcaucasian region, because Russian participation in the separatist conflicts creates convenient conditions of manipulation of Georgian and Azerbaijani foreign and home policy containing their integration to the western structures. The direct way to the successful resolution of the Transcaucasian conflicts directly goes trough wide compromises to the separatist states guarantee large autonomy or quasi-independent status, because the separatist states are not ready to refuse those freedoms, which they won after bloody conflicts with Georgia and Azerbaijan. But, unfortunately, the current situation in these countries is not favorable to the compromises and effective resolution of these problems. The master’s final thesis consists from the four chapters. In a first one there are presented the main causes of the conflict. The second chapter evaluates the factor of Russian influence and the other chapters of the master’s final thesis present the analysis of various ways of the successful resolution of the separatist conflicts in Nagorno Karabach, Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014