Abstract [eng] |
In the paper is analyzed the role and significance of social partnership principle, when deciding individual labour disputes in commission of labour disputes, making of decision by mutual agreement of employee and employer representatives, advantages and drawbacks of pretrial labour dispute analysis, labour courts as institution, analyzing individual labour disputes and is also discussed compulsory execution of decision. Social life has significant meaning for labour disputes, therefore, their proper implementation is very important issue, and there must be paid attention that decision in labour disputes would be executed as quickly as possible. In order to eliminate the dispute that occurred between the parties as soon as possible, it is firstly made efforts to conciliate the parties for making the decision that would be acceptable for both of them and made by mutual agreement. There are discussed drawbacks and advantages of the decisions that are made in labour commission, peculiarities of legal investigation while analyzing labour cases. Labour courts are analyzed as specialized institution, which decides labour cases. If decision of labour dispute commissions or court is not executed benevolently, there is started procedure of compulsory execution – it is very important stage of right and interest, arising from legal relationship of labour, defending. As labour commission’s, as court decision’s compulsory execution, is done according to the same order, established in CPC. When executing decisions, made in labour cases, taking into consideration their significance, are provided certain peculiarities. Compulsory execution is done according to CPC order and following norms of DK, therefore, in the paper is discussed relation and conformity of these two codes’ norms. In the paper it is also analyzed order of compulsory execution in other EU countries. |