Abstract [eng] |
Lina Kesiūnaitė Kėdainiai City Teacher In-service training Needs and Oportunities Summary The maximum value of the education organization - the staff and students. The role of the teacher changes and teacher becomes a partner and assistant in the process of learning for pupils. Its goal is to help the students understand themselves, know the surrounding environment, form moral values. Teacher professional development needs are constantly changing, depending on various external and internal factors changing the education system. This interaction between the change factors and teacher professional development needs of the teacher covers all areas of activity. The training process of the increasing openness of markets and business world is changing fundamentally the concept of educational content and its creation of principles. Training content becoming not so sterile academic with strictly defined boundaries, it includes the so-called "day to day knowledge“ and experience, its content becomes the concern not only for a narrow group of specialists, its the task of all the teachers', often involving the people in the educational process outside - employers, various experts in other fields. Its structure becoming not so solid – we can wittnes a process of modulation, blurred the boundaries between the academic and professional knowledge. Master's final works aim was to assess Kedainiai city secondary school teachers basic development needs and opportunities In order to achieve this raises the following challenges: To analyze ways of improving teachers' qualifications and experience. Set Kedainiai city teachers' scale of professional development, needs and problems. Through investigative techniques, to identify Kedainiai city professional development of teachers' characteristics, teachers' attitudes to learning, to discuss its effectiveness, possible shortcomings and changable places, to draw conclusions and make recommendations. Conducted literature review, analysis of specifics of teacher professional development, an overview of legislative framework, teacher professional development methods and parameters of assessment. Was composed a special form, which makes clear Kedainiai city scale of the improvement of teacher qualifications, needs, problems, benefits and evaluation of the overall approach to teacher improvement of qualifications. Conclusions and proposals were this reaseches basis. |