Title Lietuvos ir Lenkijos teisės aktų, reglamentuojančių atsakomybę už žalą, padarytą darbuotojo suluošinimu ar kitokiu pakenkimu sveikatai arba dėl nukentėjusiojo mirties, lyginamoji analizė /
Translation of Title A comparative analysis of the lithuanian and poland legislation governing liability for injury to employee caused by mutilation or other bodily injury or for employee's death.
Authors Gerulskis, Edvinas
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Pages 84
Abstract [eng] Damage to the employee's disability or other damage to health or the victim's death both in Lithuania and Poland rewarded in several different ways, which is regulated by public and private law. Master at work compared to the above-mentioned members of the European Union, its neighbors, the total content of the law and the history of the employee's health damage caused by the system, these advantages and disadvantages of the criteria. Employee health damage caused by the system in Lithuania and Poland have different ways to redress the alternative (complex): in particular, for damages is decided on the basis of public law mis-occupational accidents or occupational illness through social insurance, and after the damage of the non-remunerated may be remunerated on the basis of the employer's liability or civil liability rules. Master's work of comparative analysis carried out in the employee's health and lives of damage caused by Lithuania and Poland, the state social insurance investigation, the legislation regulating social security of those countries in the participants, the health damage caused by the employee's compensation terms, these terms differences and similarities. Analysis of employer liability in place of compensation system in Lithuania and Poland, the legislation of the employer's liability in terms of content, the content representing the criteria in their treatment of the differences and similarities of Lithuania and Poland the right sources, and the judicial practice in these countries. Basic concepts: accidents at work of social security participants, accident, event of accidents at work in social insurance provided by types of compensation, employer's liability conditions, economic and moral damage.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014