Abstract [eng] |
One of the most factor of organizational success is a quick learning ability, and information is the most critical factor allowing to realize this ability. In order to expand current knowledge and to exploit employees’ potential, organizations have to encourage them to share information. Despite organizational and technical support, employees can decide to share or withhold the information they possess. That is why it is important to analyze what factors affect their decision. The purpose of the thesis is to find out if there is a relation between perceived co-worker’s trustworthiness and information sharing with him, and if so – is it related to information’s content and its’ value. 69 employees of various specialties from 7 public sector (28 employees) and 10 business (41 employees) organizations participated in the study. Perceived trustworthiness of co-worker, peculiarities of information sharing and reasons of information disclosure/withholding was measured using the questionnaire. Perceived trustworthiness was measured using the scale containing 15 statements. Each could be evaluated from 1 to 7. For each participant, perceived trustworthiness was expressed by the sum of scores of all 15 statements. 9 types of information where analyzed in the study: personal, private, official, confidential information, information about co-workers, opinions, “know-how”, ideas and best practice. Sharing of each type of information was measured using 6 statements (each statement measured one aspect of information sharing). The same 6 aspects of information sharing where used for all 9 types of information: willingness to provide certain information; willingness to spend time on its provision; efforts to provide certain information; quantity; accuracy; expedition. Each aspect could be rated form 1 to 7. Generalizing the results, it could be said, that there is a positive relation between perceived trustworthiness of co-worker and 5 aspects of information sharing: willingness to provide certain information; willingness to spend time on its provision; efforts to provide certain information; quantity and accuracy. In public sector perceived trustworthiness is related to sharing personal information: willingness to provide such information, quantity of information and its accuracy. In business sector perceived trustworthiness is related to all aspects of sharing personal, confidential information, ideas and best practice, except the expedition of such information provision. There is no relation between perceived trustworthiness and sharing of private, official, “know-how” information, opinions and information about co-workers no in public, nor in business sector. There has been shown, that high-valued information (ideas and best practice) with trustworthy co-workers and also with not such trustworthy co-workers is shared as much as low-valued information (official information). When analyzing the causes of information disclosure/withholding, there was shown, that with trustworthy co-workers information was shared because of internal incentives and because of positive assessment of co-worker’s trustworthiness. Withholding of information is related to insufficient competency of information’s provider. With not so trustworthy co-workers information was shared because of environmental requirements and information withholding is related to negative assessment of co-worker’s trustworthiness. |