Title Vilniaus miesto 2 apylinkės teismo 2005-2008 metais išnagrinėtų bylų dėl darbdavio materialinės atsakomybės už žalą, padarytą darbuotojo suluošinimu ar kitokiu pakenkimu sveikatai arba dėl nukentėjusiojo mirties, apibendrinimai /
Translation of Title Cases of the employer's pecuniary liability for injury to the employee caused by mutilation or other bodily injury or for employee's death, decided at vilnius city 2 district in 2005-2008: analysis and generalizations.
Authors Marozienė, Margarita
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Pages 75
Abstract [eng] The Thesis reviews the concept of employer’s pecuniary liability as defined in the legal doctrine and case-law, the grounds for and types of such liability. The attention is drawn to the similarities and differences between employer’s pecuniary liability and civil liability. The Thesis presents interpretations of the conditions of employer‘s pecuniary liability for injury to the employee caused by mutilation or other bodily injury or for employee‘s death in the legal doctrine, rulings of the Supreme Court of Lithuania, as well as application of these conditions in the practice of the 2nd district court of Vilnius in 2005-2008. The author discloses specific features of compensation for the injury caused by mutilation or other bodily injury of the employee, or by his death (when the employee has or has not been insured with the social insurance against occupational accidents and occupational diseases). The Thesis specifies the observed theoretical and practical problems related to employer’s pecuniary liability and presents possible ways of solving them.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014