Abstract [eng] |
The subject of the Master work is emigration of highly qualified specialists. Emigration of highly qualified specialists is known for a long period of time, just now the scales of emigration is higher than ever. Economic recession is playing a big part in this, as all the countries are affected by recession at the different level. Due to migration of highly qualified specialists government looses money, which was spend in gaining the qualification, as well country looses tax payers and overall country looses competitiveness in international arena. The object of the study is the influence of labor market policy to the emigration of highly qualified specialists. The main tasks are to highlight the nature and consequences of emigration; to reveal theoretical immigration–related factors; to evaluate Lithuania’s migration policy; focusing on labor market policy to distinguish to high–qualified specialists orientated emigration factors; to perform a quantitative survey and create a model summarizing the results. Work structure: work consists of three main parts: in the first part is made an analysis of theoretical high qualified specialists emigration aspects, in the second part is made a statistical analysis of Lithuania’s and other countries migration related data and in third – an empirical research made to evaluate the influence of labor market factors to the emigration decision. Working volume: 73 pages, 23 tables, 26 figures and 83 references used: 55 Lithuanian and 28 foreign authors. Empirical research revealed that more than half of high qualified social science specialists have an intention to emigrate. The most influencing emigration factors found are the level of overall living standard and the level of wages size. The second group of factors – the working conditions and poor social security; and the third – evaluation of conditions for business creation and evaluation of financial commitments. When requested to assess job opportunities by specialty, the result showed that even a little more than two–thirds of the respondents employment opportunities evaluated as poor and very poor. To show the relationship between emigration factors model was made. One of the relationship found is the relationship between working conditions and evaluation of business creation opportunities, because the negative assessment of working conditions is a positive motivation to build own business. |