Title Klišės kino komunikacijoje /
Translation of Title Clichés in movie communication.
Authors Rybelytė, Justė
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Pages 68
Abstract [eng] The topic “Cliches in Movie Communication” is chosen because of an interesting, but little analysed theme of elements, that surrounds us everywhere and that we use in our daily actions, communications, we see it as fashion trends, we read it in novels, see in movies, hear in our headphones. These very common elements are called clichés. The objective of this paper is to describe and explore the clichés in general, to exclude main characteristics of these common elements and to look at the examples in the spheres of mass culture. In this paper mass culture is considered as an assumption for clichés ti raise and spread through the means of mass communication. The goal of ventilating this topic is also to overlook the nature of clichés in movie communication, review some examples, and understand the extent of prevalence of clichés in films, also to explore if they are useful or, conversely, not welcome into the movies and other spheres of mass culture by the creators and by audience. In order to describe clichés in such mean as movie, there were movies, films, cinema explored too. The history of film, film theories, and communication models applied to films led to the part where the clichés were described specifically in movie and in movie making processes. In this paper there are theoretical methods used, such as induction, deduction, comparison. The analyzed sources included Lithuanian literature, articles, internet material and sources of abroad, databases, studying material of universities. The main topic is explored in this paper in three separate parts. Every each part was useful to describe the concepts that are being used in this paper very clearly. The concepts were needed to divide and describe, especially the concepts of film and cinema, because the short survey showed the results, that conceptions of film and cinema in general are sometimes treated mistakenly. This paper could be useful to supplement some theories and methodology of many spheres, in which clichés occur and are common – linguistics, communications, art and others.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014