Abstract [eng] |
Small and medium sized business sector development is a determinant factor in regional economic growth. Small and medium sized business companies operating in rural regions of Lithuania have a decisive influence on the region's economic and social stability. Significant impact on the development of this sector to the state's role. The state may create more favorable conditions for the development, particularly in times of crisis, providing more support for start-ups, and more willing to build there own business. Each region of Lithuania is more or less favorable for business. So it is important to know what obstacles arise, hindering small and medium enterprise development in rural regions of Lithuania. The object of research is the small and medium businesses located in rural regions of Lithuania. The purpose of my work is to evaluate the small and medium sized business development opportunities in rural regions of Lithuania, to ascertain the development of small and medium sized business and the motivational factors hindering groups. The work consist of three main part. The first chapter deals with small and medium sized business concept. Briefly discuss the characteristics and importance of small and medium sized businesses in the economy of Lithuania. Presented by various authors opinions and general conclusions about the small and medium sized businesses in rural regions of Lithuania benefits. The second chapter analyzes the small and medium sized businesses in rural regions of Lithuania support, and its use. Brief overview of the small and medium sized business funding sources and significance of small and medium sized business in rural regions of Lithuania. The third chapter describes the research methodology, which will be based on the tests. The assessment carried out in the second part of the statistical analysis, which examined opportunities for small and medium sized business development in rural regions of Lithuania. The work consists of an introduction and three parts of teaching. In the end conclusions are drawn. Working volume - 69 pages, including 28 iliustrations, 19 tables, 59 literary sources. |