Abstract [eng] |
Problems Related to the Duration and Regime of Working Hours Human work as all human life is defined by the time. Taking into consideration that for all the society useful human activities are very different, it is believed that the most common and most acceptable parameter of made efforts is the working time. The duration of working time and norms thereof are established according to the development level of society, taking account of political and economical factors. The entrenching in the national legal system generalizes the whole working time and provides the mandatory form for the working time. The establishing of working time in the legal acts means the maintaining of safe and healthy working conditions. This is the right of the person, therefore both the national and international legal acts provide the possibility to benefit from this right. Upon the establishment of employment legal relationships, both subjects (the employer and employee) by performing the employment functions towards each other, have rights and obligations. Thus under this approach, the working time is the part of the calendar time during which, by abiding by the internal working order of the organization, the employee must work the commissioned work. So the objective of the legal regulation on the working time is the achieving by the employees the socially necessary norm of work and for this purpose it is essential to provide safe and good working conditions. Above all this, the employees must have time off from work, which might be used for the rest and training of personality. The objective of the master thesis – to discuss comprehensively the legal regulation, origin of the working time, the statutory warranties of regulation, its compatibility to human expectations for improving the conditions of life and work, to dispute the problems of working time duration and regime and to propose the possible means for solving the problems, to define whether, by developing the flexible employment forms, it is advisable to improve the legal acts regulating employment relationships that might foresee the more flexible forms of working organization and agreements and ensure proper defense of work and social rights by the employees. Under the general analysis of the master thesis, in Lithuania at present there are no legal premises for organizing more flexible employment relations, reacting properly and timely to inevitable changes of the market, therefore it is proposed to supplement and amend different articles of Labor code in order for the employer and employee to provide more freedom for adjusting to the changes of the market. |