Title Baudžiamoji atsakomybė už vagystę /
Translation of Title The criminal responsibility for theft.
Authors Žylė, Osvaldas
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Pages 76
Abstract [eng] Theft is one of the most frequently committed crimes not only in Lithuania, but also in other countries all over the world. Lithuanian legislator pays quite much attention for the prevention and control of this crime, regularly improves and amends the laws, prividing a criminal liability for theft. These legal regulations are not always properly incorporated into the entire system of regulations of the Lithuanian Criminal Code, which leads to difficulties of their practical application, problems disassociating similar criminal acts to property from different judicial proceedings in such cases. That makes this topic relevant for both – theoretical and practical aspects. The objective of this work was to reveal the conception of theft as a social phenomenon and to explore the problems of regulation of criminal liability for theft in the Lithuanian Criminal Code. The main tasks set for this work were the following: to perform the research of development of the conception of penal liability for theft and the laws regulating it in the Respublic of Lithuania and other countries; to reveal the composition of theft, and to compare the similarities and differences of theft composition between criminal laws of the Respublic of Lithuania and foreign countries; to analyse and compare the aggravating features of theft between criminal laws of the Respublic of Lithuania and foreign countries; to discuss the main aspects and problems of sentences for theft in Lithuanian Republic, to reveal the differences between theft and other crimes for property and the common problems in practical application of the law governing these crimes. Various methods of research were used when writting this work: logical method was used for interpretation of theoretical and practical material, for revealing of the content of legal regulations of law and representing the findings. The penal liability for theft provided in the criminal code of the Republic of Lithuania was compared to the liability for this cime provided in criminal laws of foreign countries using a method of comparative analysis. Systemic analysis method was used to investigate the concept of criminal liability for theft, composition and aggravating features of this crime, its differences from other similar offenses and punishment issues, according to the criminal laws of the Respublic of Lithuania and foreign criminal law. Historical method was used to explore the laws regulating the criminal liability for theft and the development of the concept of theft in Lithuanian Republic. Besides to the above mentioned, linguistic, statistical analysis and other methods were used in the work, too.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014