Title Skurdo ir socialinės atskirties mažinimo politikos įgyvendinimas Lietuvoje: asmenų, grįžusių iš įkalinimo įstaigų, integracijos darbo rinkoje atvejis /
Translation of Title Implementation of poverty reduction and social inclusion policy in lithuania: the case of integration of ex-prisoners into the labour market.
Authors Balčienė, Justina
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Pages 162
Abstract [eng] This paper analyzes policy implementation of ex-prisoners integration into the labour market in the political context of poverty reduction and social inclusion. The aim of this paper is to identify the main problems that influence the effectiveness of implementation and their causes. To reach this goal the research is divided into three sections. The main question of this master thesis is: “Why do only few ex-prisoners integrate into labour market?” It can be answered by confirming or denying the raised primary and secondary hypotheses in the context of the main problems and their reasons that influence the effectiveness of policy implementation. In conclusion, the policy analysis of people coming back from imprisonment and their integration into the labour market shows (despite that some hypothesis were only partly confirmed) that the State implements the policy that is appropriate enough and could be effective. In this process the outcome of the policy implementation depends not only on the role of governmental and non-governmental institutions, but most importantly, on the characteristics, efforts and attitudes of the target group and on the intentions of employers to engage this person.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014