Abstract [eng] |
Having defined the problem, that in public discussion attention is mainly paid to the model of local self-government, concerning municipality’s competences, functions and financial aspects, but there are little analysis about decentralization, which makes better possibilities for new actors to participate in public decision-making and implementation, the author of the work notes than more attention should be paid to decentralization and public participation in the local level. It is maintained that in Lithuania traditional “top-down” decision-making and implementation mechanisms should be changed by a great alternative – partnership group, based on “bottom-up” approach. Problems could be resolved in the collaboration with local community, private organizations and state government institutions. So, the major subject of this work is a partnership group – the Local action group (LAG), uniting the public sector, private organizations and non-governmental organizations. The main aim of this work is to disclose local action groups possibilities to promote decentralization process and community participation in local self-government. To reach this aim, there are formulated four tasks: to disclose the conception of decentralization, concerning its importance in local self-government; to introduce European Union’s Initiative Leader+; to analyze the aspects of Local action group’s formation, administration and preparation of the development strategy; to define local action groups possibilities to promote decentralization process and community participation in local self-government. Three following hypotheses have been formulated and on the basis of the accumulated knowledge and acquired experience proven: I. Implementation of Leader+ measure in Lithuania encourages the formation of new and innovative social structures. Precisely of this program, Lithuania is establishing a new local self-government partnership model, when local government institutions, private organizations and local community are combined to implement integrated and successful local development policy. II. Local action groups contribute the development of decentralization and local self government principle. First of all, it is stated that decentralization is a multi-faceted phenomenon that encompasses assignment of public decision-making and implementation powers to the representatives of territorial municipalities, private sector and non-governmental organizations. It is defined, that LAG implements principle of self-government, according to which responsibility and decision making are transferred to local level. Endowed with a team of practitioners, decision-making powers and a fairly large budget, the LAG represents a new model of organization that can considerably influence the institutional and political balance of the area concerned. III. Wherewith various community participation in government are used and wherewith “bottom-up” public decision-making and implementation is realized, the more local self-government is real. In work it is maintained, that real local self-government might be characterized by community participation in government. Local action group is recognized as local development “agency”, which complement public administration model, as it develop integrated planning methodology in local level, implement rural development policy and stimulate local community participation in local self-government. According to analysis, the author of the work acknowledge, that effective all sectors’ collaboration, local government’s goodwill and successful management of the development strategy, are factors in the success of the local partnership. Only because of this partnership more possibilities have rose for reorganization of different partners’ roles, engagement, consultation and partnership working. |