Title Narcisistinių asmenybės sutrikimų turinčiųjų asmenų savęs vaizdas /
Translation of Title Features of self view in persons with narcissistic personality disorder.
Authors Račkauskaitė, Eglė
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Pages 57
Abstract [eng] In the contemporary scientific literature the bigger and bigger attention is dedicated to the personal disorders which are determining the character pathology of personality and also influencing the origin and evolution of other mental affections. There are many discussions on narcissistic personality disorders nowadays especially on the platform of psychodynamic theory. Following the works of the authors working on the basis of psychodynamic paradigm we were willing to discover the singularities of self view belonging to the persons which have the narcissistic personality disorders. Our aim was to describe the way how the self view is fashioned, what are factors influencing the particularities of it. Eight persons having the narcissist type of personality disorders took part in our research (the diagnosis is confirmed by the psychiatrists). The method of qualitative case analysis is used in the research. In order to evaluate the manifestation of self view we have used the half - structures interview and HTP projection research methodology. The features of self view of the persons which have the narcissist type of personality disorders were evaluated taking into account the basic life spheres where the personality features can be easily reflected: selfness, relationships, job occupation, emotions, self-control and real world. During the research we have succeed to discover the self view shaping features of persons with narcissistic personality disorders as well as to evaluate the subjective self perception and self evaluation of mentioned persons. We have estimated the relation between self view features and degree of integration. We have also discovered few fundamental differences between Oblivious and Hypervigilant narcissists how they shape their self view. The findings helps to understand more comprehensively the features of self view shaping by the persons which have the narcissist type of personality disorder as well as to discover more detailed phenomenology of narcissist type of personality disorder. The fundamental differences defined between Hypervigilant and Oblivious narcissistic personality tipes allow us to evaluate more precisely the features, differences and similarities between those two types of personalities.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014