Abstract [eng] |
The Phenomenon of Uniqueness in a Psychotherapy Group The phenomenon of uniqueness in a psychotherapy group was studied in his master‘s degree work. Introduction was dedicated to review the human relationship phenomenon from the philosophical (S.Kierkegaard, M.Heidegger, M.Buber, P.Tilich) and psychological (G.W.Allport, C.R.Rogers, S.M.Jourard, J.Bugental, V.Frankl, A.R.Beisser) perspective. The aim of this work was to explore in what way the phenomenon of uniqueness is experienced in a certain psychotherapy group and define the phenomenon of uniqueness for the certain research group. The method of focus group was used in this research. Focus groups were organized in the context of short-term psychotherapy groups. 13 persons were participating in the focus groups: 11 women and 2 men. 2 focus groups were created, which were managed by the author of this study based on provided plan. The results were processed using A.Giorgi phenomenal method. 10 specific situational definitions of the phenomenon of uniqueness were created, which were used to formulate two ultimate definitions of the phenomenon. Results of the study revealed, that: 1) the phenomenon of uniqueness in a psychotherapy group is complex phenomenon, characterised by large diversity of manifestations; 2) the phenomenon of uniqueness in a psychotherapy group is closely related to universality experience: the uniqueness is experienced together with the universality of the group‘s participants or immediately after it; 3) the phenomenon of uniqueness in the short-term psychotropic group is instantaneous experience; 4) the phenomenon of uniqueness in a psychotherapy group is related to the seeing of other group‘s participants uniqueness and with other participants uniqueness experience; 5) the definitions of the phenomenon of uniqueness in a psychotherapy group correspond to theoretical propositions, but also reveal new aspects of the uniqueness related to the phenomenon of uniqueness. |