Title Paauglių psichologinio prisitaikymo ir socialinės paramos sąsajos /
Translation of Title Relations between psychological adaptation and social support in early adolescence.
Authors Kubeckienė, Loreta
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Pages 96
Abstract [eng] Relation Between Psychological Adaptation and Social Support in Early Adolescence SUMMARY Over few decades the subject of psychological resistance has been fascinating the surveyors; however there is neither enough clearly defined theorical characterization of psychological resistance, nor unified description of the process of resistance. Often the researches analyze only common characteristics of adaptation in adolescence. There are neither enough carried out adaptation surveys, that would include early adolescence period nor analyze the influence of social support for highly adaptable adolescents, who live in rather deprived psychosocial circumstances. This essay is analyzing psychological adaptation and its relation with social support in the period of early adolescence. Respondents - 98 adolescents, age group 12-15 years old from Birzai District Schools. Survey carried out 2007 to 2008 years. Evaluation techniques: Achenbach’s questionnaire of youth behavioural problems YSR (YSR 11/18, Youth Self Report, Achenbach, 1991); TFR 5/18 (Teacher Report Form); the questionnaire prepared by the author of this essay (Kubeckiene 2007); a matrix of the social network (Antiniene, Baarsauskiene, Merkys, 2004); qualitative (phenomenological) survey. There was a mathematical-statistical analysis performed using computer program “SPSS for Windows” (12.0 Version). In order to establish the distinctions among groups, to describe the demographical data as well as to analyze the answers of the respondents was used frequency chart, paired frequency tables method, X2 (Chi Quadrate) criteria, Spearman’s correlation method and student’s t criteria to compare independent units. Adolescents’ preservative factors of psychological adaptation were assessed using phenomenological analysis. Survey found that adolescents, who have a wider social network, have fewer behavioural and emotional problems, than adolescents with narrower social network. Adolescents living in a village distinguish with more expressed behavioural and emotional problems, than their in town living counterparts, because the later have a wider social network. Adolescents living with full family have a wider social network than adolescents living in broken families. Adolescents, whose parent do not take alcohol drinks or take little have wider social network to compare with adolescents, whose parent consume alcoholic drink medium or frequently. Same way wider social network is typical for adolescents, whose parents are wealthy, than those, whose parents are constantly in lack of money. After carrying out phenomenological survey it was established, that interpersonal relationships is the main factor of a social support – namely these relationships assist overcomingthe difficulties of life and become rather main support for an adolescent.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014