Title Procedūrinės ir procesinės darbuotojų teisių gynimo priemonės /
Translation of Title Procedural measures of protecting the rights of employees.
Authors Dimaitytė, Austėja
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Pages 67
Abstract [eng] By implementing their rights and executing duties, employers, employees and their representatives are obliged to follow the regulation of law, respect common life rules and to act honorably, follow the principles of rationality, justice and honesty. The concluded legal agreements create labor rights and obligations for the concluding parties. In order the implementation of the rights and obligations arising of the employment agreements are ensured, the state by the help of legal regulation has entrenched measures of protection of violated rights, most important of which are the institute of individual labor dispute, self-protection and protection of employment rights by the support from respectful state authorities. Although the legislative body provides measures for the usage of violated rights protection, together also sets conditions violated rights protection. Master thesis analyses procedural and proceeding measures of protecting the rights of employees. Analyzing it pursuant to the institute of concept of labor dispute, institute of self protection in individual relation of labor law and analyzing administrational functions of governmental institutions for defending violated labor rights. Analysis of this thesis systematically refers to Labor Code and Civil Process Code. The practice of The Supreme Court of Lithuania, Supreme administrative court of Lithuania is being analyzed, where the role of such institutions, as State Labor Inspectorate and Equal Opportunities Ombudsperson, reflects in the process of employee’s rights protection. In the Master’s thesis mechanism of protection of violated procedural and proceeding rights of employees it is analyzed, competence of governmental institutions solving the issues of violated employees’ labor rights is evaluated, as well as the legal aspects of self defense usage are revealed, finally the suggested as the most efficient method for protecting the violated labor rights is purposed.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014