Title Ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų verbaliniai gebėjimai ir adaptyvus elgesys /
Translation of Title Verbal abilities and adaptive behavior of preschool children.
Authors Bubnytė, Kamilė
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Pages 53
Abstract [eng] VERBAL ABILITIES ANDADAPTIVE BEHAVIOUR OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN SUMMARY In the preschool years assessed intellectual abilities and adaptive behaviour is important information to prepare child for the schooling. Still, the are relatively few concern with preschool children assessment in Lithuania. Commonly, psychologists and other professionals emphasize childrens‘ cognitive development, ignoring his or her ability to act independently in daily situations. In this study we examine ralations between 5-6 years old preschool childrens verbal abilities and adaptive behaviour. To assess verbal abilities there were chosen four subtests from WPPSI-III (Wechsler Pre-school and Primary Scale of Intelligence) which is now being standartized in Lithuania. Adaptive behavior was assessed using Lithuanian adaptive behaviour scales (LAES) which provide information about individuals adaptive functioning in 9 areas. Significant though medium correlations between WPPSI-III subtests and LAES areas let us analyze them as related but separate constructs. In accordance to our results, there were no significant differences between boys and girls adaptive behavior and verbal abilities, however boys tend to receive better scores (excepting Similarities subtest in WPPSI-III as well as Self-regulation and activities organization and Community skills in LAES). According to our results, compared to children from village, preschoolers from bigger cities got significanly better scores in WPPSI-III Similarities subtest and in LAES Communication area. Correlations between different WPPSI-III subtests and LAES areas provide us more detailed information about relations between these two constructs. Next there are presented and analysed further data of this study.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014