Title Įdarbinimas per laikinojo įdarbinimo įmones (agentūrinis darbas) /
Translation of Title Employment by temporary work agency (working for agency).
Authors Satkūnienė, Dijana
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Pages 59
Abstract [eng] The author of this master’s work investigates the peculiarity of the model of temporary agency work and the main principles of it’s action. The topic revelation starts from the analysis of temporary agency work conception in the European Union and international legislation and there is indicated and discussed the subject of it’s main features (triangular working relations, temporary working and temporary employment contracts). In accordance with the experience of Germany, but not limited to this country, there are examined the requirements to acknowledge this activity legal, also providing observations on provisions of the accepted Temporary agency law of the Republic of Lithuania. Later the author pays attention to the application of non-discrimination principle in the fields of payment of wages and working conditions and discusses it’s exception. By analyzing these questions, there are marked advantages and disadvantages to the parties of this working model, coming to a conclusion that it may benefit the economic situation of the Republic of Lithuania.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014