Title Nelaimingi atsitikimai darbe ir profesinės ligos: teisinis reglamentavimas, teorija ir praktika /
Translation of Title Accidents at work and professional diseases: legal regulation, theory and practice.
Authors Davlevič, Oksana
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Pages 65
Abstract [eng] The problem of accidents at work and occupational diseases is very significant. This is evident from statistics of the National Labor Inspectorate. In order to avoid severe consequences, it is necessary to take preventive measures - ranging from appeals to the awareness and cooperation of the parties of labor contract, to the fines and other sanctions. This article is about the concept of the accident at work and occupational diseases, their historical background and the problems arising from the uncertainty of these terms. It analyzes the causes of accidents at work and occupational diseases, paying more attention to the inebriation at work and ways how to fight it. The article is also about the problems which mostly arise when reporting the accidents at work and occupational diseases as well as researching it. Issues of compensation for the damage related to the accidents at work or occupational diseases received the most attention. Different ways of how to make up for the sustained damage: state social insurance, material responsibility of employer, civil liability and responsibility according to the interim law were also analyzed. Not only pecuniary responsibility but also non-monetary compensation of damage was discussed here.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014