Abstract [eng] |
Summary Maintaining Work Discipline Work is a person’s conscious physical or mental effort or activity directed toward accomplishing a certain goal. When working, a human being produces goods or provides services that satisfy the needs of other people. A country’s economy depends on the efforts of those capable to work. If a population can produce more goods and provide more services, the economy will be able to supply workers with ever-improving tools and ensure them broader opportunities, which in its turn means that more and more goods will be produced and economic growth will be observed. Rising productivity leads to the increase of production volume. Work efficiency keeps growing and society becomes wealthier and happier. However, the brief economic overview emphasizes that at present the economic situation in Lithuania is not stable, unemployment is high, salaries and wages are slow to increase, and the minimum wage is among the lowest in the European Union. The country’s economy cannot provide job places for everyone capable and willing to work; as a result, society fails to produce and acquire additional goods and services thus losing a valuable resource – potential output of goods and services. The economy therefore is deprived of a part of the national product because it is not produced. Due to the decrease in the total output, the supply of workers exceeds the demand, unemployment soars, wages plunge, and the likelihood to be dismissed from a job rises dramatically. That generates negative emotions in society. When the economy cannot create enough jobs, people lose their subsistence income and may resort to anger, rebellion or violence. In such cases discipline in the workplace can be regulated with the help of norms and regulations of the work discipline institution. It is agreed that disciplinary penalties do help to maintain order in the workplace; however, they provide favorable results only short term. Other important factors also have to be considered. Employee behavior is positively affected by financial and non-financial benefits. Such motivation is one of the ways to create positive atmosphere at work. On the other hand, the behavior of those in employment relationship is also greatly influenced by the participation of both parties in a social dialogue and their adherence to the achieved agreements. If the parties are able to negotiate and agree on urgent work-related issues, successful cooperation will be developed, grounds for conflicts will be eliminated, and forces will be joined together striving for economic and social progress. Thus, from the economic viewpoint, the impact of economic factors on the labour market is significant. If the country enjoys economic stability and participants of the labour market are satisfied with their jobs, income and social guarantees, they will respect and treasure their jobs, foster good working relationships, and have no reasons to violate rules and regulations of work discipline. |