Title Elektros kainų modeliavimas tiesioginėje rinkoje /
Translation of Title Modelling electricity prices in the spot market.
Authors Bogdanov, Andrej
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Pages 40
Abstract [eng] In this paper an econometric modelling and forecasting of electricity spot prices is presented. The aim of this work is to examine SARIMA-TGARCH and SARFIMA-TGARCH models for describing volatility of electricity spot prices and their characteristics such as season, mean reversion, volatility cauterization, and effects of workdays, weekends or holidays. The data of France electricity stock prices are used for analysis. This paper contains two parts – theoretical and empirical. In the first part the short review of literature is presented. Moreover, the theoretical aspects of long memory models are discussed. In the following part the empirical results are presented: application and adequacy examination of SARIMA-TGARCH and SARFIMA-TGARCH models.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014