Abstract [eng] |
To determine the delimitations between the action of the Article 106 of the Treaty and the competition rules the first step is to define which of competition rules in European Union competition law could fall in the range of the action of the Article 106. And it‘s answered to which infringement of the Treaty could be the Article 106 applied and the conditions for the application of Article‘s 106 part 1. Also the application of the 102 Article and 106 Article‘s part 2 in case law of the European Court of Justice is rated. The application of Article 101 and Article 106 is determined. The relation between Article 106 and Article‘s 4 part 3 of the European Union Treaty is defined, when both articles could apply directly for the member state. The conditions for the justification of the infringement of the completion rules because of the application of the exception of Article‘s 106 part 2 is identified and so are the main points of the general economical interest service. The restrains of the competition caused because of a monopoly actions is considered. Competition rules of the state aid and the Article 106 is defined. The action of the Article 106 in Lithuania is considered too. |