Abstract [eng] |
Different authors consider sense of coherence to be one of the physical and mental health resources, stress resistance and successful adaptation basis. It is done not enough researches dealing with educationalists and sense of coherence, although it was found that pedagogical work is one of the most stressful. The aim of this work was to analyse the health behaviour, Sense of Coherence (SOC) and interfaces between them in the population of the lecturers in Vilnius University. Materials and methods. 289 Vilnius university lecturers of 25-72 years old age (mean age 43,82) participated in this survey. An anonymous questionnaire for getting data about social-demographic factors, health behaviour, subjective health assessment created by author was used in the survey. In the questionnaire Sense of coherence was measured with “The orientation to life questionnaire” consisting of 13 questions. It was composed by A. Antonovsky (1987). Data analysis was performed using Statistical program SPSS for Windows 13 version. Level of statistic significance was p< 0.05 Results and conclusions. The results showed that the quality of life and subjective health assessment mostly was reported as good. Single respondents ant those who had more than one workplace reported to have better quality of life. 43 % of lecturers reported to have chronic diseases, most of them were widows(-ers). Examination revealed that it was statistically significant differences between lifestyle and respondents gender, age and marital status. The results showed that 38 % of respondents are smokers. The higher prevalence of smoking were found among men and persons employed in several workplaces. Examination revealed that respondents usually used alcohol 2-3 times a month, higher prevalence was noticed among men and younger than 40 years lecturers. 12 % of all respondents, attemted drugs. Significantly most of them were men and younger (up to 40 years) respondents. Study showed that lecturers were not sufficiently physically active. Most respondents exercised 2-3 times a month. Nearly 40 % did not exercise at all. Prevalence among those who exercised were higher among males than females. 36 % of lecturers were overweight or obese. A more frequent prevalence were among men. In this study, Sense of Coherence among lecturers of Vilnius University was evaluated. 48.8 % of respondents had high, 51,2 % low SOC. It was found that level of SOC depends on age and marital status. Statistically significantly (p<0,05) SOC scores were highest among the age of 31-40 and among married respondents. No significant differences were found between gender, faculty and position. Components of SOC were individually examined. Results showed that the feeling of meaningfulness was more expressed among men. Higher level of comprehensibility was found among married respondents. Regression analysis showed that smoking (OR = 3.721) and low physical activity (OR = 4.244) predicted lower SOC among lecturers. The hypothesis that the Vilnius University lecturers, who had addictions (to smoking, drinking, drugs using) and were physically inactive has lower SOC, was partially confirmed. |