Title Turto ir įsipareigojimų vertinimas siekiant apskaičiuoti įmonės pelną /
Translation of Title Evaluation of assets and liabilities in order to calculate company’s profit.
Authors Kregždytė, Gintarė
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Pages 56
Abstract [eng] Measurement is the process, when elements of financial statements are evaluated in the amount of money and are included to balance and Income statement. When prices and value of the company are changing in the market, correct evaluation of assets and liabilities is very important. There are some evaluation systems in accounting theory and practice, and these systems may cause different amount of Income (losses). Mostly we may find these measurement systems: historical cost, current entry price, current exit price, present value, fair value. But income of the company should be true and fair as possible. Therefore, it is actual question what measurement systems should be chosen in order to present true value of assets and liabilities, and also to calculate true income. The object of this research – measurement of company’s assets and liabilities in accounting. The purpose of this research – after analysis of different measurement theories and accounting regulation to create the model of measurement of assets and liabilities in the company and to test this model with Lithuanian listed companies. In the first part of research conception of income was analyzed: what is true income, how differ economic and accounting income, and how it should be calculated. It was discussed measurement systems found in scientific literature in order to calculate true income. It was analyzed measurement systems such us historical cost, current entry price, current exit price, present value. In the second part of the research evaluation methods from Lithuanians Business Accounting Standards were discussed, they are related with measurement systems from the first part. Here is presented the model of measurement for assets and liabilities. The methodology for empirical research was created and presented, also research methods, data and hypotheses were written. Testing of created model in empirical research was presented in the third part of this Master theses. There were discussed data from empirical research in evaluation of assets (long–term tangible and non–tangible and inventories, receivables) and liabilities of Lithuanian listed companies. There are verified hypotheses, results were compared with recent research in Lithuania.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014