Title Matematinės analizės egzamino pagalbinės medžiagos tyrimas /
Translation of Title The analysis of the supporting material in mathematics exam.
Authors Jakubonienė, Lina
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Pages 70
Abstract [eng] Lina Jakubonienė THE ANALYSIS OF THE SUPPORTING MATERIAL IN MATHEMATICS EXAM. Supervisor: Dr. associate professor Ričardas Kudžma Vilnius University, the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Department of Didactics of Mathematics and Informatics Vilnius, 2011 Aim of this work. Inspect the examination methods with the supporting material and without it. Explore the supporting material from the mathematical analysis exam, find out whether the amount of information in the supporting material has the capability to influence the test score results. Tasks for the investigation: 1. Examine the most popular written examination techniques. 2. Analyze the tasks for the test and the exam. 3. Figure out which theoretical knowledge is required to successfully solve the tasks for the tests and the exams. 4. Evaluate the supporting material sheets. 5. Ascertain whether the students had the correct theoretical information written down on their supporting material sheets and if they used it during the examination process. 6. Compare the student‘s test and exam results from three programs at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Vilnius University. Conclusions: The results about correlation between the information in the supporting material and exams score can be divided into three areas. The first one with the low correlation. This can be explained that we had not sufficient amount of data. Such was the most often case. Cases with big positive correlation can be explained that information of supporting material was directly applicable, almost been copied. The analysis of situation with big negative correlation is more interesting and more complicated. One interpretation (when results are low) might be that information written in the supporting material was not sufficient to solve the problem. Students had to understand the topic much deeper than written formulae only. Another one (when results are sufficiently high), that students know how to solve the problem without almost any supporting material. Results of this investigation are quite interesting and should be continued.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014