Title Spragos ir slenksčiai Lietuvos gyventojų pajamų apsaugos sistemoje /
Translation of Title Gaps and thresholds in the population income protection system in Lithuania.
Authors Gabnytė-Baranauskė, Vitalija
DOI 10.15388/vu.thesis.719
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Pages 224
Keywords [eng] social protection ; income protection, poverty ; inequality ; system compatibility
Abstract [eng] Ensuring the protection of the population's income is crucial for countries with growing economies. One effective approach to safeguarding income is state intervention in redistributing public resources. In Lithuania, there is a lack of research that comprehensively examines the overall social protection (SP) system, including its challenges—such as gaps and thresholds—and how it can be enhanced. This dissertation utilises a compiled SP system compatibility index to evaluate the functioning of the SP system based on coverage, adequacy, and work incentives. Furthermore, it assesses the extent of non-take-up of cash social assistance and analyses how the population's income is distributed in the face of various social risks. The findings of the dissertation indicate that the components of the SP system, namely social insurance and social assistance, lack coordination, leading to an overall imbalance within the system. An analysis of 2018-2022 reveals that coverage could be improved in the SP system, followed by the adequacy of benefits and work incentives. Earned income remains the primary source of financial support when facing social risks, with the SP system serving only as supplementary assistance. The assessment of counterfactual scenarios within the SP system suggests that unifying the income test thresholds in the social assistance system could yield positive outcomes in reducing poverty and inequality.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2025