Title Mokytojų perdegimo darbe sąsajos su penkiais asmenybės bruožais ir perfekcionizmu /
Translation of Title The relationships between teacher burnout ar work, five perdonality traits and perfectionism.
Authors Lekavičiūtė, Viktorija
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Pages 78
Keywords [eng] teachers burnout ; five personality traits ; perfectionism
Abstract [eng] The object of the research – burnout at work, five personality traits and perfectionism. The aim of theresearch – to investigate correlation of burnout at work with five personaly traits and perfectionism. Objectives of the research: • Determine teacher burnout at work, personality traits and perfectionism. • Analyze correlation of burnout at work with five personaly traits and perfectionism. • Analyze differences of Išanalizuoti teachers working in schools of general education and special education Tyrimo hipotezės: 1. Teachers emotional exhaustion at work is positively correlated with perfectionism. 2. Teachers depersonalization work positively correlated with the personality trait neuroticism. 3. Teachers personal achievements at work is positively correlated with the personality trait of openness experiences. 4. Teachers in other-oriented perfectionism is negatively correlated with personality traits - sutariamumu. 5. Teachers in general education schools and teachers working in special education, emotional exhaustion at work is different.Tiriamieji – mokytojai, dirbantys bendro ugdymo mokyklose ir specialiojo ugdymo įstaigose. Summarizing all the results of the investigation lead to the following conclusions: 1. Proved the first hypothesis: teachers' emotional exhaustion at work is positively correlated with self-directed perfectionism. 2. Did not proved 2, 3 and 4 of the study hypothesis: no statistically significant relationship between the teacher's personality traits and perfectionism and burnout at work. 3. Teacher burnout is characterized by work experience, strongly express the personality traits extraversion and neuroticism and self-directed perfectionism. 4. On 9 - 41 year old teaching experience teachers survive typical burnout at work and socially assigned perfectionism. 5. Special education teachers institutions characterized by emotional exhaustion and personal achievements critical survival. 6. Proved fifth hypothesis: emotional exhaustion at work is different between the teachers working in general education schools and teachers working in special education.
Dissertation Institution Lietuvos edukologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2017