Title Pasidalytoji lyderystė organizacijos veiklos kokybės valdymui /
Translation of Title Shared Leadership Activities In The Organization Quality Management.
Authors Targonskytė, Sandra
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Pages 105
Keywords [eng] Teacher leadership ; shared leadership ; the quality of school performance.
Abstract [eng] The master's thesis analyzes the shared leadership as school's quality management assumption. The aim of the master's thesis is to identify the connection between the expression of the shared leadership and the quality of school performance. To achieve this goal the following objects are designed: to discuss the concept of leadership and its characteristics in the context of education; to identify the main conditions for the expression of shared leadership; to investigate which elements of shared leadership can have the most impact on the quality of school performance. The object of this work: shared leadership as school's quality management assumption. The master's thesis consists of the following parts: theoretical, methodological and empirical, conclusions and recommendations. Eleven annexes are included in the paper. The total number of references used are 120 and 57 of them are in a foreign language.
Dissertation Institution Šiaulių universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2017