Abstract [eng] |
Parental Involvement as a factor of Child's School Readiness The aim of this research is to explore the components of parental involvement in the child’s educational process, to reveal their correlations and prognostic relations with the child’s readiness to learn: subjectively and objectively assessed learning outcomes. A longitudinal research strategy was chosen for this study. Participants were assessed at the baseline and reassessed after the period of 12-14 months. Participants filled in questionnaire by “paper and pencil” method. The study involved 94 children, their parents and teachers. Original Parental Involvement questionnaire was used, which was created by the author of this paper. The results showed that parent involvement consists of four factors: parents and teacher communication (parents-teachers), parental help for a child while studying at home (parents-children), parents and class activities (parents-class) and parental control (PK). Parents do not differ in terms of family characteristics according to the mothers and father’s age, education, family status and number of children in the family. However, children with more involved parents have higher level of hyperactivity, general emotional and behavioral difficulties at school, their skills are valued poorly by teachers and their reading skills were worse in the 1st class than children whose parents are less involved in children’s education. Cognitive abilities of children predict reading comprehension while parental involvement doesn’t have predictive value. Parent’s direct assistance and help for child with studies predicts reading speed and precision along with cognitive abilities of the 1st grade students. Parent’s direct assistance for the child with studies at home and parent’s involvement in class activities predicts reading and writing skills of 1st grade students according to the teachers. Also children’s cognitive abilities and parent’s direct assistance for child with studies at home predicts 1st grade mathematical knowledge assessed by teacher. |