Abstract [eng] |
The relevance of the survey. In the 20th century knowledge of the world and human nature, values and lifestyle has changed. The meaning of life of frequent person is closely related with his implemented activities or in the other words with his performed roles. According to present scientists‘ understanding: the person‘s activity that includes both personal and professional actions can be named as career. The problematic issue of the survey. What problems are encountered in pursuance of career education in the 7th and 8th forms ? The object of the survey. The career education problems in the 7th and 8th forms of region schools. The aim of the survey. To identify how the career education is implemented in the region schools and to identify existing problems and foresee opportunities for the improvement. The goals of the survey.1. To analyze the politicians‘ attitude to the vocational training in Lithuania and Europe. 2. To analyze the governing documents of career education in Lithuanian general education schools. 3. To examine who helps for the 7th and 8th forms of region and in what forms of activity to acquire and develope career competencies, identify problems. 4. To foresee problem-solving opportunities for schools where career education is implemented. The methods of the survey. Theoretical: Analysis of pedagogical, psychological and social literature, Laws of the Republic of Lithuania, The European Union governing documents of career education. Empirical: Questionnaire survey for teachers and students, interview with career advisers. Statistical: Grouping the received data, generalization and comparing. The data are presented by calculation Materiality Index ( MI ). Evaluation of quantitative survey data is done using the descriptive statistics method. Evaluation of qualitative survey ata is done using the content analysis method. The results of the survey. The survey revealed that elevated hypotheses partly justfied. Not in all schools of the region it is ensured comprehensive 7th and 8th forms students‘ career education. This conclusion is illustrated for several reasons: There are no career advisers in all schools. People, who are responsible for career education of students, have additional resposibilities at school. Only in two schools‘ education plans are intended vocational guidance as elective subject in the 7th and 8th forms. School teachers not equally pays attention to educate all career competences‘ groups. Mainly in schools going on vocational guidance but vocational training experiential visits are rare. Not all subjects‘ teachers do integrated career education lessons. Most teachers thinks that subject programs are overloaded with different integrated programs so there is a lack of time for career education. |