Title Neveiksnių ir ribotai veiksnių fizinių asmenų sudarytų sandorių pripažinimo negaliojančiais teisinės problemos /
Translation of Title Legal problems of declaration of invalidity of transactions concluded by incapacitated natural persons or natural persons of limited capacity.
Authors Vaicekauskaitė, Greta
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Pages 63
Abstract [eng] This research analyse the legal problems of a voidability of transaction formed by a natural incapable person and a natural person with a limited capacity. The research aims to examine the legal problems of a voidability of transaction formed by a natural incapable person and a natural person with a limited capacity. In this research the legal incapacity and limited capacity is analysed by scheme: how to separate de jure and de facto capacity, the most common aspects of a voidability of transaction – conception, expert examinations as an evidence, scopes of legal capacity and limited capacity, a voidability of transaction formed by a natural person with a limited capacity, and legal consequences of a voidability of transaction formed by a natural incapable person.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2017