Title Darbo sutarties nutraukimo darbdavio iniciatyva ypatumai Lietuvos teismų praktikoje /
Translation of Title Peculiarities of termination of employment contract by employer in lithuanian court jurisprudence.
Authors Petrošiūtė, Eglė
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Pages 65
Abstract [eng] The objective of this final thesis is to determine what additional conditions (in legislative regulation of employment contract termination initiated by employer) were established by Lithuanian case law and how these interpretations corespond to the interests of employer and employee. The final thesis consists of introduction and other three parts. Interpretations in Lithuanian case law of the essential parts, limitations, guarantees in termination of employement contract initiated by employer in the absence of the employee's fault, procedure for the dismissal and coresponding problems are analyzed in the first part of the final thesis. Interpretations by Lithuanian case law of the arising loopholes in legislative regulation of termination of employement contract initiated by employer in the case of emplyees fault (repeated violation of labor discipline, for grave violations of labor discipline) are analyzed in the second part of the thesis. Interpratation by Lithuanian case law of other cases of employment contract termination dependent on employer - such us cases of negative trial result or termination of contract with the manager of the company – are defined in the third part of the final thesis. Conclusions are given and the list of sources is presented in the last part of the final thesis.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2016