Abstract [eng] |
Attitudes towards suicide are related to suicide ratings and suicide risk. Religiosity is an important element, which forms attitudes towards suicide. There is a lack of research studies, which explore significance of religions‘ type and of diferent religiosity dimensions in the context of attitudes towards suicide. That is why the goal of current study was to explore relations between religion, religiosity and two dimensions of attitudes towrards suicide – suicide acceptability and condemnation. In Lithuanian religion students‘ group there were 44 participants, in Lithuanian other students‘ group there were 59 participants, in Turkish religion students‘ group there were 51 participants and in Turkish other students‘ group there were 50 participants. Suicide acceptability and condmenation were measured by ATTS attitudes towards suicide scale and 6 religiosity dimensions were measured by BMMRS religiosity scale. Results showed that higher religiosity in both religions (catholicism and islamism) was related to lower suicide acceptability. Catholic religiosity was not related to suicide condemnation, but higher Islamic religiosity was related to higher suicide condemnation. In Catholic religion students‘ group suicide acceptability was not related to suicide condemnation. In Muslim religion students‘ group lower suicde acceptability was related to higher suicide condemnation. These results support the presumption that religiosity and religion are important elements in the context of attitudes towards suicide. |