Title Sveikatos priežiūros specialistų psichologinės gerovės, humoro bei patiriamo streso ryšys /
Translation of Title The relationship between psychological well-being, humor and perceived stress among health care specialists.
Authors Adomavičiūtė, Rūta
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Pages 65
Abstract [eng] The Relationship Between Psychological Well-Being, Humor and Perceived Stress among Health Care Specialists, Rūta Adomavičiūtė, Vilnius, 2018, p.65. In many Researches Humor is seen as important Variable, related to Psychological Well-Being, but it is Important to analyze its Role in Relationship between Psychological Well-Being’s and Stress. Aim of this study is to analyze relationships between Psychological Well-Being, Sense of Humor, Humor Style and Perceived Stress among Healthcare Specialists. 100 healthcare professionals between 23 to 64 years old (M=40,06; SD=13,12) responded in survey, completing. Lithuanian Psychological Well-Being Scale, Humor Style Questionnaire, Sense of Humor Questionnaire and Psychosocial Stress Scale. Conducted analysis showed that persons Marital Status, Perceived Stress and Affiliative humor style were statistically significant variables predicting Psychological Well-Being. Also, results showed that Affiliative Humor Style plays a statistically significant role in Stress and Psychological Well-Being ‘s relationship: when stress was high participants who reported high levels of Affiliative humor also reported higher Psychological Well-Being, than participants who reported low levels of Affiliative humor.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2018