Abstract [eng] |
Adult Education in Post-Soviet Space: The Experience of Lithuania Monika Vanagaitė (supervisor. prof. Jolanta Aidukaitė). ADULT EDUCATION POST-SOVIET SPACE: LITHUANIA EXPERIENCE. Master Thesis. V.: VU Department of Social Work, 2016 p. SUMMARY The state of welfare being exposed to globalization had to stay competitive and continue improving; hence the necessity for the society to learn appeared. In Lithuania as well as for the other post-soviet-Soviet countries such as Estonia, Latvia, Poland, the necessity for continuous and endless learning process, in order to ensure welfare for individuals and society, appears. Therefore the development of lifelong learning system should create ways for adult to self-express and ensure the need for personal learning, as well as the implementation of such system will influence state's economic, social and civil advancement. European Union’s and Lithuania's laws both highlight the importance of lifelong learning, however it is not enough, since Lithuania has one of the lowest lifelong learning index among European Union countries. Therefore it is crucial to eliminate obstacles and set up lifelong learning guidelines. Work object – Adult education as a factor in the welfare state. Work objective - Research features, issues and prospects of adult's education. Work aim - Research the benefits for adults involved in educational process and find out the issues they encounter. Work hypothesis - Adult's education is more attractive to people with higher education and women, since these demographic groups are more likely to seek development. Work methods - Logic synthesis and analysis, quantitative research methods: questionnaire, Eurostat and Lithuania's Department of Statistics data analysis. Questionnaire's empirical data is analyzed with SPSS and Microsoft Excel 2007 programs. Work results – Confirm the beginning of the study hypothesis, which says that most of the LLP activities involved females and individuals with higher education. Also, the investigation has shown that the persons participating in TAU would like to participate in the labor market; however, they doubt the employer's approach to the older people, and that they would be given the opportunity. The results revealed that all the surveyed respondents are satisfied with the services provided by the institutions of learning and learning content. Data analysis revealed that vocational training institutions prefer people younger than 25 years old. Small parts of the chosen are workers. Keywords: adult education, vocational training institutions, the Third Age University (TAU), the lifelong learning strategy (LLL). |