Title Savaiminė vėlai diagnozuota stemplės krūtininės dalies perforacija: klinikinis atvejis /
Translation of Title Spontaneous esophageal perforation: case report.
Authors Žilinskas, Arūnas ; Gruslys, Vygantas ; Jovaišas, Vytautas ; Janilionis, Ričardas
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Is Part of Lietuvos chirurgija. 2007, t. 5, Nr. 3, p. 418-423.. ISSN 1392-0995
Abstract [eng] The treatment of esophageal perforation is difficult and controversial because of small amount of cases. Usually patients condition is bad and proper diagnosis is delayed. We present our experience with 29 year old male, who was operated 14 days after spontaneous esophageal perforation, case.
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2007
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