Title Pakartotinės operacijos po Rosso procedūros /
Translation of Title Reoperations after the Ross procedure.
Authors Sudikienė, Rita ; Lebetkevičius, Virgilijus ; Karalius, Rimantas ; Tarutis, Virgilijus ; Laučiuvienė, Laima ; Liekienė, Daina ; Lankutienė, Lina ; Sirvydis, Vytautas-Jonas
DOI 10.15388/LietChirur.2007.3.2214
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Is Part of Lietuvos chirurgija. 2007, t. 5, Nr. 3, p. 397-401.. ISSN 1392-0995
Keywords [eng] reoperacijos ; Ross operation ; autograft and homograft dysfunction ; aortic root dilatation ; reoperation
Abstract [eng] The optimal hemodynamic performance without anticoagulation and the autograph growth potential are the advantages of the Ross procedure. Analysis was made to evaluate the risk factors of pulmonary autograft and homograft dysfunction and reoperation.
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2007
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