Title Plaukimo trenerių taikomų mokymo metodų raiškos ir jų ugdytinių motyvacijos sportui sąsajos /
Translation of Title Correlations between manifestation of training methods applied by swimming coaches and motivation for sport of athletes trained by them.
Authors Armonavičienė, Jolita
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Pages 61
Keywords [eng] Motivation for Sports ; Self-determination Theory ; Teaching Methods ; Teaching Styles ; Swimming.
Abstract [eng] Scientific literature underlines that motivation is a key factor to increase athlete’s physical activity; however, recently, motivation became a highly relevant problem in sports and physical education (Kretschmann, 2014). The goals and sport interest of trainees are being formed by a sport pedagogue who brings together everyone to perform common activities by stimulating motivation for sports exercising, seeking as high as possible results in sport (Pelletier, Rocchi, Vallerand, Deci, Ryan, 2013; Ryan, Deci, 2007). The research object: interaction between the methods applied by coaches and their trainees’ motivation for sports. The research hypothesis: it is likely that the “productive” styles of teaching applied by coaches directly correlate with trainees’ intrinsic motivation for sports. The research aim: to investigate the correlations between the manifestation of teaching methods applied by swimming coaches and their trainees’ motivation for sports. The research methodology is based on provisions of the reproductive and productive teaching methods and the self-determination theory. The research methods. The research employed (1) theoretical (systemic analysis of scientific literature, formulation of hypotheses), (2) empirical (two instruments have been used to conduct surveys: description of the teaching style and scale of motivation for sports – 2) and (3) statistical (descriptive statistics, testing of hypotheses) research methods. The survey involved 74 14–18-year-old athletes from Šiauliai swimming centre “Delfinas” and Kaunas Swimming School. Conclusions: The hypothesis stating that it is likely that there exists correlation between productive teaching methods applied by coaches and their trainees’ intrinsic motivation for sports has not been proven. The correlation analysis enabled finding out that there were no significant differences in intrinsic motivation for sports in young swimmers depending on a teaching style type applied by a coach. It can be stated that a teaching style employed by swimming coaches and related reproductive and productive teaching methods have no significant impact on young swimmers’ intrinsic motivation for sports in the training practice. The research revealed that there were no significant correlations found between different age coaches’ socio-demographic parameters (age, sex, work experience in years) and application of reproductive and productive methods in training practice. It should be noted that male coaches tend more to apply reproductive methods, whereas female coaches use various combined teaching methods. The correlation analysis revealed a significant direct connection between young swimmers’ age and their motivation for sports: the younger the swimmers are the stronger manifestation of their intrinsic (r = –0.244, p < 0.05), external regulation (r = –0.228, p = 0.05) and identification regulation (r = –0.307, p < 0.01) motivation is. The research results emphasise specificity of the sport branch, which means that a coach working with young swimmers should employ a blended style of teaching – both reproductive and productive methods of teaching.
Dissertation Institution Šiaulių universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2019